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Computing is the process of identifying the desired output with the help of the given input through processing. The process of identifying a solution to the given problem is called as computing.
There are lot of computational problem types available and we are majorly classifying them under the following problem types
Sorting Problems
Sorting is the process of rearranging the items in the given list in non decreasing / ascending order. There are lot of methods used to perform which includes bubble sort, merge sort, quick sort...
Searching Problems
Searching problem deals with finding a given value called search key inside the given list of elements. The commonly used searching algorithms are linear search and binary search.
String Processing
A String is a sequence of characters. Characters might be alphabets, numbers, special characters and white spaces. Major string processing problem involves string replacement, string matching, string counting...
Graph Problems
Graph is a collection of points called vertices which are connected with line segments called as edges. Graph based problems are used in transportation, communication, networks.. The majorly used graph problems are graph colouring problem, travelling salesman problem...
Combinatorial Problems
The problem type involve combining more than one problem or algorithm technique to solve them. It might be a combination of graph problem with geometric problem and likewise.. Knapsack problem is an example of Combinatorial problem.
Geometric Problems
Geometric problems involves the problems dealing with lines space and vertices. The problems such as graph colouring problem is a good example of geometric problems.
Numerical Problems
The problem types which involve in solving numerical or the problems with mathematics involved in the will be categorised under numerical problems. Simplex method and knapsack problems are a good example of numerical problems.
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